Hey there, it's Lauren and I'm still a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. Its been almost another year since I posted, but am still doing well. This quote really resonated with me, as the use of drugs and alcohol, at least for me, was not my only problem. I had a lot of trauma, anger, fear, and resentments to process. Once I dealt with those properly, it was easier to deal with life without drugs or alcohol. It is also an ongoing process. Recovery is a journey not a destination. I am still leading meetings at the local county jail, and doing some mentoring at a prison somewhat close. I know that this is a life long disease, and I will never be cured. I am putting in work daily and keeping conscious contact with God. I am currently sponsoring a few ladies which had been very rewarding. I enjoy seeing these young women's eyes light up when they see things coming together. Putting in the work and seeing results. I chose sober because I wanted a better life. I stay sober because I got one! Have a great day! God bless!
I know I haven't been on here in what seems like in forever but yes, I am still clean and sober. I have been spending time with my family, my children (that are just growing up to quickly), and just enjoying life. I have had a few messages asking where I have been, and I apologize for not posting more frequently. In the beginning, I needed this, and I still do, but have been of service in other ways as well. I currently lead an AA meeting at a County Jail near where I live. That has been very beneficial in reminding me of where I don't want to be. It has been eye opening. It is still just as bad out there, if not worse. I am more active in our church, I help teach a Sunday School class for our 3 year olds, and I love it. I coach my son's soccer team, and enjoy watching my daughter play volleyball. I am so grateful where I am in my life today, and would not be here if I wasn't clean and sober. Only by the grace of God. Thank you Jesus! Have a great day. I will try to post more often. :) God Bless!!!!
Good afternoon. My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. If I don't start each day with a grateful heart, my day goes down real fast. I need to be grateful, first of all that I woke up, that I have another day to celebrate clean and sober, and that I can share with others the beauty that can offer. There were so many days in the past that I used to dread waking up, dread going to work, dread everything. Today, I am grateful for the little things. I am alive, I have a job, I enjoy my job, my family is still here with me. There are sooo many things to be grateful for. I have to remind myself everyday that is only by the grace of God, and thank him, and pray for him to go before me each day, to lead the way. Because if I do, I get in my way, and that is not a good place to be. So today, write a list of 10 things you are grateful for. It should be easy... If you are reading this you are alive, so there is one, and you can see so there is two. :) There is so much more to be grateful for when you sit down and really think about it. Be aware of it today. Have a great day! God Bless!
Good afternoon! My name is Lauren and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. Wow, it has been a while. But I am still alive and sober! Just checking in and saw this quote and wanted to share it, as many people might be starting over since it is a new year. Just remember not to focus of what you are getting rid of, your baggage, the quitting of the drinking or whatever. Focus on the new you are building now. When I got sober I remember from treatment, I was told to find new hobbies, to start doing things that I used to love, again. You can't just stop doing something, it needs to be replaced by something, and when you stop doing something negative, it needs to be replaced by something positive. And with that you can build something amazing. It might take a while to build, and it may take a few tries, but as long as there is progress, you are headed in the right direction. And you don't have to do it alone. God is there to help. You just need to ask. That's all I have for today. Have a great day!
Good afternoon, my name is Lauren and I'm a grateful, recovering, alcoholic and addict. Sorry it's been so long since I posted. I have a lot going on in my life and at work. I guess I'm just loving the sober life! :) But anyway. Personally I have a lot going on because someone close to me is struggling with addiction. It hurts to see them do this...not only to themselves, but their family. It's hard to be on the other side of the situation now, when I was on the flip side where people were trying to help ME, now I'm doing the saving. But it is not me, only God can do that. I am only an instrument. There are days I want to give up... let them give up...but I cannot. I am a fighter and I will not let them lose this battle. I know only they have control of this choice to quit, or stay in this hell of addiction, but I will fight with them and help them if they want to change. But one thing I will NOT do is enable. I will not help them if them are continue to go down this road of insanity. That is all I have for today. So please pray for me and this person and the families involved. Thank you!
Good morning! There are so many things I haven't wanted to try because I was nervous I wouldn't be good at it. Sometimes you just need to jump in and do it. With my sobriety, I was so comfortable in my misery I didn't want to change. But once I did, my life finally began! Also, I do photography, and I love it. But have always just done nature and landscapes, because they don't talk back and I don't have to pose them or make them laugh. It's just easier. Maybe it was the fear of failure. But I wouldn't know until I tried. So I did, and now I love it! I have done Quinceneras, Weddings, Newborn Pictures, Senior Pictures, and Family Pictures. Lesson learned. You don't know until you try. So believe in yourself! You can do it! Check out my site! www.laurenyoderphotography.com That's all I have for today! Have a great day!
Good afternoon! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. This verse describes me very much so nowadays. I have received grace upon grace. I feel so blessed to be where I am today. I have a wonderful family, very supportive of my recovery. I am very grateful, thankful, and blessed! No doubt I still have bad days, but nothing compared to how my life used to be. I am grateful for the little things today. I am grateful when I wake up, that I can go to work, that I can pick the kids up from school, that I get to make dinner for my family. I also love photography, so I love capturing moments that may not have been remembered without it. I also don't take things for granted in nature like I used to either, like the rain and such. Anyways, tell me what you are grateful for below in the comments! That's all for today! Have a great one!
Good morning! My name is Lauren and I'm a grateful, recovering, alcoholic/addict. God made me just the way I am, and no one else like me. He even made my twin brothers, who can be so alike...so different. No two people are the same. So why try to be like someone else. Be you! Quit comparing yourself to someone else. I know it's hard, we all wish for something different. We want curly hair if ours is straight. We want to be taller if we are short, but we are just the way we are supposed to be. I used to be really skinny and I wished I were bigger, well look at me now, I'm bigger. Now I wish I I were skinnier. I have learned to just be happy with who I am. Since I got sober I have struggled with my weight, I have tried diets, and working out, now I;m in constant pain so I can't work out. Maybe this is God saying, quit trying to be who you aren't. Just be happy with who you are today!!! Quit trying to be who you were 15 years ago, or whatever, be who you are today, and be happy with it. If you are overweight and want to lose some weight, that's fine, but still be happy with yourself today. If you are just getting sober and want to be sober for 5 years, just be happy with your sobriety today. That's all I have for today. Have a great day! God Bless!
Good afternoon! My name is Lauren and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. I have to remind myself of this sometimes, but it is definitely true. My worst day clean and sober is always better than my best day drunk or high. I may have some really bad days, but I have to remind myself that going back out there is not going to make my problems so away. They will still be there when I'm sober. I just learned to deal with them, and take care of my problems for them go to away. It's not magic. I have to work at it, but it is sooo worth it! Anything worth having is worth working for. So if you are having a bad today, just remember it could be worse, and to keep your head up and face your problems head on. Sometimes they take time to figure out and deal with but it's better than them building up and growing into more issues. That's all I have for today. God bless! Have a great day!
Just Good morning! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. You are the only person who can make any change in your life. You have to want to do it. Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same! Otherwise there will be no change. I had to reach my bottom and have nothing left for me to want to do anything about it. But I knew there was something that could save me. There was someone who had been with me walking with me this whole time, and I had to surrender to Him. He had pretty much kept me alive this whole time, kept me safe, kept my children safe. I had to completely surrender and give my life to Him and give each day to Him. I can't do this alone. I never have, but I definitely can't now. Today I need God more than ever. I have also started a new journey. I started my own business. I started to sell It Works! I love these products and believe in them. And if I want to change my life only I can. So I am going to work hard and make it work! If you want to check out my site please go to laurenyoder.myitworks.com and let me know if you have any questions! I am also looking for product models to get my wholesale pricing to test products and give me your honest opinion! Just try a product for 90 days, take a before and after picture and you get 40% off of the retail price! Message me for more information! Thanks everyone! Have a great day! God bless!
July 2019
Lauren YoderI'm Lauren. Get inside the head of a recovering alcoholic/ addict. |