Good afternoon! My name is Lauren and I'm a courageous recovering alcoholic/addict. When some people think of the Serenity Prayer, they automatically think of an addict. Before I got sober, when I heard that saying, I immediately thought of an alcoholic. That is was "their" motto. Now, I am one of "those people." In all actuallity it can be used in everyday life. The defition of change is: the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery. Change is a hard thing. When I got sober, I didn't just quit drinking, I had to change everything. Every aspect of my life has changed. My outlook on a lot of things are different too. I also had to realize what I CAN'T change. I can't change other people, the only thing I can change is my reactions. I needed to learn how to think things through before I say them, not just blow up and overreact. This is a continuing process. It's an every day thing that I need to work on. Another quote I like is: When you can’t change the direction of the wind — adjust your sails” -H. Jackson Brown Jr. Well that's all for today1 Have a great one!
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Good afternoon! My name Lauren and I'm a grateful recovering alcohoilc/addict. I have a lot of things on my plate right now, and have a lot of hard decisions ahead of me: big life changing events. But I keep praying, for God to let me know what I should do, give me a sign. I want an answer now, not later. One thing I struggle with is patience. Patience is a big one. I want everything yesterday. Today is too late. But it really isn't ever possible. I am working on being more patient and giving any situation I have to God. I have to trust in Him that his path is the right one, even though I think I have a better idea. Sometimes I'm wrong, but always think I need to be right. [ask my husband :) ] But in the long run I do need to be patient, it will all work God's time. And it IS worth the wait.
Good afternoon! My name is Lauren and I'm a grateful recovering alcoholic/addict. I love this quote. I saw it on Facebook the other day and LOVE it. Once I got sober, I felt people would judge me for my past. But ya know what, once I realized the path I took, was the one God laid in front of me, I felt better. Everything happens for a reason, and I wouldn't be who I am today if I wouldn't have gone through what I went through. And once I accepted myself and what I had done, only then could I move forward. I could have sulked and felt sorry for myself, and hated myself for what I had done. Or I could learn from it, and grow. It was a hard thing to do. I knew I had a problem, but to actually admit it, accept it, and own it, and leave it behind, only then could I move forward. I felt as if a weight was lifted, I seriously do. I also don't really care what people think about me. I'm not out to please anyone else. I don't need to be accepted by others, I only need to accept myself. That's all for today. Have a great one!
Good morning! My name is Lauren and I'm a grateful recovering alcoholic/addict. Today I want to talk about self-acceptance. In my addiction, I hated myself. I hated everything I did. I didn't feel worthy of anything. Once I got sober, I had to realize I wasn't a bad person, I had just done some bad things. Like Buddha said, Every experience, holds a blessing. You just need to find it. That's right along with everything happens for a reason. or it's ok to make a mistake as long as you learn from it. NO one is perfect. We all make mistakes. But we need to find the good in it. I believe my experience with addiction has helped me be able to share my story with other addicts. Maybe me being open about it may help someone else want to get sober too. I want to lead by example. I want to share how life is so much better when we're sober, instead of wasting each day, waiting for the next, chasing that next high. Well, that's all for today! Have a great day!
Good evening! My name is Lauren and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. I really like this quote. It's crazy how when I quit drinking, life got better. Maybe it is still the same, but with me not drinking made me realize that life wasn't so bad. Before, I was upset about how we were barely making ends meet. But now I see it as, we both have jobs. I have had a lot of opportunities in my sobriety, and take advantage of each one I am given. I also started thinking about how it could be worse. Someone is always worse off than me. I am so blessed to have everything that I do have. I could have lost a lot more in my addiction. I'm lucky to still have a wonderful husband, 2 beautiful children, loving parents and family, and a job. I have heard of so many others who lost it all before they got sober. Some who lost it all, and died that way. And it hurts me to see others going down that same path, not knowing what is ahead of them. I can only speak of my experiences, to help someone else. Just to share my joys of sobriety and how life can and will get better, if the work is put into it. Well, that's all for tonight. Have a great night!
Good morning! my name is Lauren & I'm an alcoholic/addict.
I love this quote from Mark Twain. I remember when I was drinking and using, I had to remember everything. I was always telling one lie to cover another lie to cover another lie. I always had to remember exactly what I said earlier, so it wouldn't contradict what I already said. I had so many stories. Some I didn't even tell, but I had them in my head in case of questioning. When I got sober I realized my life was a lie. It was just one after another. I would tell different people different things. When we start to lie it gets us closer to getting crazy again. Lying is what addicts do. Lying get us into trouble because we make secrets, which keeps us from others. We need to stay close to others to stay sober. A lie is just like a drink-you can't just have one. Well that's all for today. Have a great Friday! Good morning! My name is Lauren and I'm a grateful recovering alcoholic/addict. Today I saw a quote and really love it.
There is a huge difference between wanting to change and being willing to change. Almost everyone wants to change for the better. Very few are willing to take the steps necessary to create that change. -John T. Child- That is so true. Where I go to meeting, there is a sign up that says "YAGOTTAWANNA". You have to really make that decision and follow through with it. For a while, people told me how my life would be so much better if I stopped drinking, stopped using. When I thought of an alcoholic, I saw a homeless guy, with a brown bag, under the bridge. Not a woman, with a family, a job, a car. I wasn't an alcoholic. I knew I had a problem, but thought it would be too hard to actually get better. I had to change, to actually be willing to. My excuse was that I didn't want to be away from my family, my kids. In all actuality, I wasn't really there anyways. I was physically, but not mentally or emotionaly. So I had to go away to treatment for a bit. Now, some people can do it without detoxing. Good for them! At least they didn't have to take that route. But eventually, we have to be honest with ourselves. We have to want it and do it. It works if you work it. Well, that's ll for today. Have a great one! Good evening! My name is Lauren & I'm an alcoholic/addict. What a great day to be alive and sober. Well, I got my author's proof in the mail and it's approved. It is now available for sale on or also on Just search under books then "from the weeds" How exciting! It's amazing how so much had changed. It didn't come easy either. It takes work, but it is well worth it. Just being able to enjoy doing homework with my daughter, playing dinosaurs with my son. Being the mom I should be, the mom my kids deserve. Being a better wife to the husband I was blessed with who loves and supports me. Being a better daughter to my parents who I have put through so much turmoil, but have always given me unconditional love. I don't have really much today, just that I am very blessed and grateful to be a RECOVERING alcoholic/addict. Have a great night!
Good afternoon! My name is Lauren & I'm a grateful recovering alcoholic/addict. I saw a cool quote today.
Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. –unknown I'm always worrying about the future. Is what I planned going to happen? Is it going to be what I expected? Is it going to be worse? When? Why? What? AHHHHHH! In my sobreity I have learned to just take it easy. Me worrying all the time about something I have no control over is pointless. It gets me nowhere except more frustrated. I have learned that I need to pray every morning. To give it to God, whatever happens, happens. It's all in God's plan anyways, so why am I so stressed about it. I'm not saying that life is perfect now, at all, but is sure is a lot better. I know I can't do it alone. I've tried, by myself. It doesn't work. There has to be a power greater than myself that has control over everything I don't. So each morning, I pray for God's will. Whatever happens has a reason. It may not go with I think is good timing, or the way I think it should have happened. But God made it that way. Another thing I have to work on, is patience. I want everything done yesterday. I need to work on being patient and letting God's time work. And know that there is good reason it is like that. I work on these things daily, and will have to for the rest of my life. Well that's all I have today. Have a great one! Good afternoon! My name is Lauren and I'm a recovering alcoholic/addict. What a beautiful day today, the sun is shining. A year ago, I would still be in bed, hiding my drinking, feeling like crap. Today I have gone to church, made lunch, and now am watching the Bears play or attempt to play. Doing "normal" things. When I first got to AA, I was scared and alone. I felt the people there would look down at me, judge me. That was one of the reasons I didn't want to go to church. I was scared of what people would think of me. That they would think I was a "bad" person. Me saying all those things, was me being judgmental myself. I was judging those who I thought were judging me. How crazy is that! I needed to stop and think. Only God can judge me. I have no control over what people think of me. I can't change that. I can only change how I act, or react to that. But when I got sober, I didn't do it alone. I had a power greater than myself, whom I call God, carry me through the doors. I didn't know what to think at first. Was I going to talk, tell me people about myself? Tell them all my deepest darkest secrets? Were they going to talk to me? Once I heard others talk of their experiences, trials, triumphs, I felt more at ease. These people were like me. Hearing their stories, made me realize that they weren't doing it alone. And I couldn't either. I needed a higher power, God. I always had something that I was "worshiping." Mine at that time was alcohol. I would do anything for it, lie to get it, hide it when I had it, and chose it over you in a heartbeat. Once I stopped worshiping that, I needed to find a power greater than myself, and that is God. So that is where I am today. Finding myself, and finding God. Only with His help, can I stay sober one more day! That's all for today. Have a great one!
July 2019
Lauren YoderI'm Lauren. Get inside the head of a recovering alcoholic/ addict. |