Good afternoon! My name is Lauren & I'm a grateful recovering alcoholic/addict. I saw a cool quote today.
Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. –unknown I'm always worrying about the future. Is what I planned going to happen? Is it going to be what I expected? Is it going to be worse? When? Why? What? AHHHHHH! In my sobreity I have learned to just take it easy. Me worrying all the time about something I have no control over is pointless. It gets me nowhere except more frustrated. I have learned that I need to pray every morning. To give it to God, whatever happens, happens. It's all in God's plan anyways, so why am I so stressed about it. I'm not saying that life is perfect now, at all, but is sure is a lot better. I know I can't do it alone. I've tried, by myself. It doesn't work. There has to be a power greater than myself that has control over everything I don't. So each morning, I pray for God's will. Whatever happens has a reason. It may not go with I think is good timing, or the way I think it should have happened. But God made it that way. Another thing I have to work on, is patience. I want everything done yesterday. I need to work on being patient and letting God's time work. And know that there is good reason it is like that. I work on these things daily, and will have to for the rest of my life. Well that's all I have today. Have a great one!
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July 2019
Lauren YoderI'm Lauren. Get inside the head of a recovering alcoholic/ addict. |