Good afternoon! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. Almost 1,000 Days Clean and Sober, isn't that crazy??? There have been times in my life where I have wanted to give so I would eventually get something back in return. Jim Rohn said "Only by giving are you able to receive more than you already have." And that is so true, but doing it for the wrong reasons is a huge problem. Giving only so you will get something in return is very wrong. We need to give so others want to give also. We want it to spread. People can usually see our attitiude in what we do. They can tell if we are doing things for ourselves as the end goal or other people. We need to be selfish, giving all of ourselves. The more me honestly give of ourselves, the more we truly receive. If you want joy, give joy. If you want love, give love. Be an real inspiration for others. That's all I have today. Have a great day! Happy Halloween!
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Good afternoon! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. Today I wanted to write to one particular person, YOU. No one else, but you, the person reading this. Whatever you have been wanting to create, try, write, sing, make, do, just do it. You DO have the potential to make beautiful things. I know sometimes you doubt yourself, because others doubt you. Don't worry about what they think. Do it. You can do it! Believe in yourself! That is where is starts! Then is just takes one more, and I believe in you! So there you go, get a move on. Start doing whatever you have been putting off. I may not be the best writer in the world, but I love to write. But if I can help one person, or even help myself for one day, then it is worth it. I may not be the best photographer in the world, but I love to take pictures. Same there, if I can help someone see something they wouldn't have been before, by looking at my pictures, it's worth it. Plus, it is takes up the time I used to drink and use, so it keeps me busy. :) So start something you have been reluctant to start for one reason or another. I challenge YOU today! That's all for today! Have a great one!
Good morning! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. God's grace is good enough for me. Sometimes I fail to understand that and I think that if God could save me He could save anyone. What makes my sin worse that anyone elses' or not as bad for that matter. God's grace is sufficient for all to those to ask of it. And His strength is made perfect in my weakness. When I am weak, He is strong. That's when I go to Him, that's when I trust in Him. That's when I realize I can't do this alone. That's when I surrender. When I am weak in myself, I am strong in the Lord. Another vers is Phillipians 4:13, " I can do all things through Christ who strenghtens me." It is no my own strength, but God's. I have to keep reminding myself of of that. And if I don't, I'm sure God will. :) That's all for today. Have a great one!
Good afternoon! My name is Lauren and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. I have been pushed around physically and emotionally. But when I get totally dropped to my knees I am in the perfect position to pray. When I have nowhere else to go but up I can look to God and pray. When I am having just a kind of bad day I can pray. When I am having a great day I can pray! But this quote is about being down, and I'm not talking about praying the foxhole prayers of "Lord please get me of this situation and I'll do this." But the sincere prayer. The honest prayer of what is really on our heart. Sometimes we are brought to our knees, so we can surrender back to God, to fully give Him our hearts. Some of us have that constant battle with God of control. Give and take. Praying for His will in our lives and guidance through our day makes each day easier. It still has it's ups and downs. But He is always there to walk me through it. That's all for today. Have a great one!
Good morning! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. I just wanted to share some other people's links today. Share some other people stories for one day. :) Enjoy!
My friend Liv has a great site about nutrition and recovery and addiction. My friend Omar has a great Podcast The SHAIR Podcast (Sharing Helps Addicts In Recovery) (I've even shared my story on it before :) ) Make sure you check these out! Have a great day! Good morning! My name is Lauren and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. When people "change" they usually say they are turning over a new leaf. I really like how this quote puts it. That we should actually be pruning our tree so that new leaves blossom. The Twelve and Twelve Traditions book says on pg 94, " . . . we know that the pains of drinking had to come before sobriety, and emotional turmoil before serenity." Sometimes we have to grow through the pain. God is continuing to teach me. In the Bible, John 15:2 says, "Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit." So we aren't just turning over a new leaf, we are cutting back all the bad branches, so new can grow. What a great thing! That's all I have for today! Have a great one! Don't forget to sign up for my book drawing. On the side ---> Also check out my store (my books and photography) If you purchase anything on amazon please go thougth the link on the side or bottom (depending if you access this through a phone or desktop). It helps pay for this site.
July 2019
Lauren YoderI'm Lauren. Get inside the head of a recovering alcoholic/ addict. |