Good morning! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. Last night at the AA meeting I go to, there was a newcomer. One thing I always try to do is make them feel welcome, and a lot of other people did to. That is one thing that always sticks in my head of my first meeting. The first meeting I went to when I got out of treatment, I was nervous. I thought everyone was going to judge me. I had all these negative expectations but really didn't know what to expect. Once I got there everone was very welcoming and kind. Once the meeting started they all talked to me, welcomed me, told me to come back, told me things got better, told me it was worth it, told me to call them when I wanted to drink. I listened to these people. Today I do the same thing to newcomers. I want them to feel the same way I did: special, part of something. That taste they get of their first meeting is important, make it a good one. Make them want to come back. That's all I have for today! Have a great one!
Good morning! My name is Lauren and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. Getting inspired from someone is great but determination is all you baby. I love when someone gets me motivated and psyched up for something at a conference. Or when I read something really inspirational and just want to do somthing about it. Reality hits when I actually have to ACT. This could go for anything in life, from writing a book, to running a marathon, to going back to school to finish a degree, to staying clean and sober. Stay determined. Never give up. Follow through until the finish, and you will inspire other in the process. You won't even know it. One foot in front of the other. One day at a time! You can do this! But like the quote says, determination comes from you. Self-motivation comes from within. You have to keep telling yourself you can do it, because you can. Other people believe in you, you just have to believe in yourself. That's all I have for today! Don't forget to sign up for the book drawing!
Good morning! My name is Lauren is and I'm a recovering, alcoholic/addict. Before, I didn't really care if what came out of my mouth matched my attitute or even what people thought at all. All I cared about was getting that next drink or whatever. Still today, there are many days where I the words that come out of my mouth don't match my attitude. People can tell. People feel that. Most people can sense if what you are saying doesn't match up with your attitude. So don't just talk the talk, walk the walk. Match you actions to what you are saying. Also another quote I have heard, but don't remeber who said it is, "A bad attitude is like a flat tire. If you don't change it, you'll never go anywhere." So keep a positive attitude, and say what you really mean. Don't say one thing and act another. That's all I have for today! Have a great one!
Good morning! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. Life is hectic, but we have to make time, quiet time with God. If we want to figure anything out or get answers we need our minds to be calm. If we are thiking about 50 other things like what we are making for dinner and how our day at work was and trying to remember when our next doctor's appointment is and how we are going to pay the dentist bill and everything that is going on in our life and want to get an anwer for it all. It is not going to happen. First of all, we need to give it all to God. I know I cannot handle all of this on my own. I need to find a quiet place and clear my mind. "Prayer is when you talk to God; meditation is when you listen to God." -Diana Robinson And when I am listening I need to be quiet. I am good at interrupting, but I just need to shut up and listen. That's all I have for today! Have a great day! By the way thanks for reading my blog! It is a blessing to share with you when I can! I appreaciate feedback and comments too :)
Good morning! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. This quote is very true for me right now, and I believe by helping others when I am struggling is makes me stronger. If we were to give up when we were struggling, it would just get worse. But I believe, mentally and spiritually I am getting stronger. It also gets me out myself. It makes me stop thinking and worrying about my own problems for a while. Worrying gets me nowhere anyway. I feel better about helping someone, and they need it. They need my time and it helps me too in some situations. My husband hasn't been working in over a month, so it's been hard financially. When before we were living paycheck to paycheck and now we are living on only my income. But God will provide. I truly belive that. God knows the future and has a job in store for him, in His time. We just have to trust in Him. We also have a friend staying with us for a little while. She needed somewhere to stay, so yeah I'm there. Friends help friends. So no matter how bad things can get, you can still help someone if they need it. You may be in their situation someday, and need help from someone else. Remember that. That's all I have for today! Have a great one! Don't forget to check out my store. Also see more photography at my website I have some great photography and books!
Good afternoon! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. I believe God has saved me from may things in my life so I would be able to share my story. And that certain individuals need to hear what I went through, and relate to that. I want to share my past so it doesn't become their future. I believe that He puts those people in my life in at specific times when they need me, and also when I need them. They help keep me sober too. We help each other. Jails, institutions, and death are such a reailty of this disease. The only other choice is sobriety and that is what I choose. That is what I choose for today. What do you choose? That's all I have for today. Have a great one! Don't forget to sign up for the drawing. Also check out my store!
Good morning! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. Relapse can be part of someone's story. It doesn't have to be, but for a lot of people it is. But it doesn't mean they failed because they slipped of had a set back. It doesn't matter how many time you fall down, but how many times you get up. If you fall down four times and get up five, I chalk that up as a win. When a baby is learning how to walk, they fall time again and again, but they keep trying, and after a while they finally get it. We keep encouraging them. We don't give up of them, once they'v e fallen down once or even fifty times, and think they will never get it. They have to believe in themselves too. Keep encouraging them, and they have to want to walk to or they won't do it. They will just crawl forever. :) Just get back up and try, try again. That's all I have for today! Have a great one!
My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. When we surrender to God, most of the time all we focus on is what we are giving up, not what we are getting. We don't realize that what we are getting is much better than what we are giving up. Letting go and letting God, seems like such a simple concept, but the reality is much more difficult. It is a daily, sometimes a minute by minute choice. But giving our troubled lives up to someone who sees the big picture when we don't, should make sense. But of course if doesn't to our feeble minds. We have to be in control, or at least I think I need to be. There goes selfish ME again. So once again, I have to give it back to God. It's a vicious circle. But He always takes me back. That's all I have for today. Have a great one!
Good morning! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. This past Sunday at church we talked about this passage, and how "love is patient, love is kind." Love is an action. Being patient is something we withold from, being tolerant, or understanding, and being kind is the action of being generous, friendly, or warm-hearted. And this is to ALL people, not just our friends, or people we like, but to all people, the poor, or those that are unfriendly to us, or undeserving, to ALL. God loved me and forgave me with all of my baggage and sins, he was patient with me. I need to be with others as well. It is hard to do sometimes. I struggle with this on a daily basis. But as long as I am better than I was the day before, it is a good day. That's all for today! Have a great one! Don't forget to stop by the store and sign up for the drawing!
Good morning! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. I guess I didn't realize how prideful I really am until I read this quote. I think I always have to be right, when in fact sometimes I'm trying to prove what is right. But my prideful self want ME to be right. Sometimes I'm so concerned with trying to prove what is right, I'm hurting others in the process. That's not right. Pride puts distance between people, never brings them closer. Sometimes I'm more concerned with being right, than concerned with other people feelings. Humilty is being courteous and repectful, not thinking of yourself better than others. There is a lot I need to work on in my life, and I know that, and I guess that is a step in the right direction, so I just need to keep moving that way. One step at a time. Don't forget to check out my photography site at I do have photos and books available fur purchase as well. Just visit my store! Also, sign up for the book drawing! Or if you need anything from Amazon, just click on one of the links on my page, and I will get a small kick-back. (Thanks! It keeps this site going!) That's all for today! Have a great one!
July 2019
Lauren YoderI'm Lauren. Get inside the head of a recovering alcoholic/ addict. |