Good morning! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. This weekend I was talking to someone who talking me about things they weren't happy with, and I thought about how a lot of people want what they don't have. People with curly hair want straight hair, and those with straight hair would love curly locks. Sometimes those that are too thin would like to gain a few pounds, while those that are overweight would like to lose a few. It's a never ending battle. We always want what we don't have. Why can't we just be grateful for what we DO have. Someone with a small house wants one bigger. Someone with an old car wants a new one. But there is also someone with no house that would grateful with a small house. Or a person that would be grateful driving around that old beater. Be grateful you are where you are and with what you have. God has put you where in your life for a reason, it may be to grow, or someday help others with your situation. But remember it could always be worse. I am just so blessed to be alive and have people that love me and that I love surround me. Material things come and go. That's all I have for today. God Bless!
Good morning! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. I took this picture. Taking photography is one thing I love to now now that I am clean and sober. It is one thing that I have time to do now that I am clean and sober. I love this word...Hope. When I was drinking and using, I had no hope. I was sad and depressed and hopeless. I cared about nothing and no one. I went through life day by day wishing for something to get better but I didn't change nothing changed. I was miserable. I don't miss those days. I don't regret those days though either. They made me who I am and got me to where I am today. Today I have hope. God has given me hope. Only He gives me the strength to go through each day. Only He gives me the courage to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Only He gives me hope for a better tomorrow. Thank you God! That's all I have today.
July 2019
Lauren YoderI'm Lauren. Get inside the head of a recovering alcoholic/ addict. |