Good afternoon! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. When I was drinking/using, there were times when all I wanted to do was get out of the situation I was in, but I didn't want to DEAL with it. I wanted an EASY way out. I would be in trouble with the law or have bills in collections. Of course I wanted it all to just go away. But that obviously wasn't gong to happen, but you know what I did. I didn't face my problems head on, I didn't suck it up and deal with them. I finagled my way or cheated my way through them. The bills just kept piling up. For me, out of sight, out of mind, so I really didn't care at that point. But sure enough when I got sober, and wanted to clear up all the messes I had made, that's when I realized how many messes I really had. Today, I try to face all my problems head on. I know I am going to eventually have to deal with them anyway, so I might as well get it over with. Or at least start on it. It isn't always easy, and some days I still struggle, but I know I am not alone. God is always there for me to ask guidance from. I can pray to Him anytime. I also have friends today that give good advice and that truly care about me and my family. So know you are not alone in this either. Don't forget to sign up for my book giveaway. Just add your email to the list. Also, check out my book and photography in my store. (You can click on the word store or check out the Store tab above) :) Thanks! That's all for today! Have a great one!
1 Comment
Good afternoon! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. Acceptance is always a hard thing to deal with. It's a hard thing to actually do, in anything. We can talk about it, and say we are going to do it, but when the rubber hits the road, actually following through with it, it very hard. Actually accepting something, or evening making the decision to change it if you can is hard to, and leaving it is hard as well. This can go for a relationship, or a job, or drugs or alcohol. It sounds all good when we say the words, but action is a whole nother ballgame. And even differentiating if it is something we can or cannot or WANT to change is a difficult thing. But these are things we have to do, things we not only have to do for our sanity, but for our livelyhood. Just know that no matter what decision you are making, you are not alone. There are people out there you can talk to about it to. Family, friends, a spnosor, a pastor, me. There is always someome. Remember you are not alone on this journey. That's all I ahve for today. Have a great one!
Good afternoon! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. Life is precious, and too many times we take it for granted. We get busy with the hustle and bustle of life, and don't spend the time we should be with the ones we love. We are more concerned about making more money or watching our favorite television show. We aren't concerned with what really matters. There have been a lot people passing away recently, famous or not. But each one makes me hold my children closer at night. I give them one more kiss, tell them one more "I love you." I don't know if will be my last. Who should you be spending time with? Should you call your mom today? Call you dad? Maybe a friend you've been thinking about calling, but keep putting off. Call them, you may not get that chance again. That's all I have for today. Have a great one!
Good morning! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. You are never too old to start something new, or set a goal. Laura Ingalls Wilder didn't start writing until she was 44, and was 64 when she published Little House in the Big Woods. You can do anything you want to do! You just have to set your mind to it and take that first step. That's the kicker though. Setting goals and dreaming are one thing, but actually following through are another. You don't have to see the whole path ahead of you, just take that first step. God will lead you. Trust Him. Do you think when I got sober I thought I was going to stay sober for the rest of my life? NO! I just thought one day at a time. Baby steps. Don't look too far in front of you. Or you will never do it. It will seem impossible. That goes for anything. Set a goal today, that you have been wanting to do, and go after it! What do you have to lose? You only live once! Don't forget to sign up for the drawing for my free book. I still need some to sign up, then I will do the drawing! That's all I have for today! Have a great one! Also, don't forget to check out my store!
Good afternoon! My name is Lauren and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. the other day in a meeting someone said this quote that they had head so I had to jot it down. I loved it! It is so true! Sobriety isn't something given to me forever that I get to keep, as in a gift. It is a grant. I have it as long as I am doing certain things. And those certain things for me, are going to meetings, doing my daily readings, praying, and staying in contact with my sponsor. Also, I can't stay in my head too long. Everyone may have different things they have to do, I am NOT here to judge. But I believe you don't just quit drinking and that's it. I believe you have to work at it. For me, I had to put God in charge of my life, because when I ran it, it was a mess. Things run a little more smoothly these days. I still have bad days, but don't get me wrong. My worse day sober, it still better than my best day drunk. So keep on keeping on and working hard. One day at a time! That's all I have for today! Have a great one!
Good morning! My name is Lauren and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. When I first saw this quote, I just thought, well yeah, we all LIVE all the days of our life. But when I really thought about it, for quite sometime, I wasn't LIVING. A lot of the time, I was wanting to die. I was wasting time thinking about negative things and doing negative things with my life...drugs, alcohol, cutting, just being negative. I was depressed and wasn't living. I went through so many stages in my life growing up, trying to find out who I was. I was just trying to find a purpose, a worldly pupose. But my purpose was for Him. God created me just the way I am. I have learned that each day is a gift and I am blessed to be alive. I need to take advantage of that. Today I try to LIVE all the days of my life, and not let them slip away life I did in the past. That's all I have for today. Have a great day!
Good morning! My name Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. Today is Thursday, and usually on Facebook people post "Throwback Thursday" pictures. Today on the radio station that I listen to, they had people call in and tell them what they are thankful for. They called it "Thankful Thursday." So I am going to steal it! I want you guys to comment and tell me what you are thankful or grateful for. There are so many days, when I think it couldn't get any worse, then I stop and think of all that I do have. I stop and make a quick list of 10 things I am grateful for in my life, and it usually doesn't take very long. 1. God, who loves me and forgives me, and never leaves my side. 2. My husband and kids, and for them always being there. 3. My parents and their unconditional love. 4. My job, which I truly enjoy. 5. AA. 6. My friends, new and old, those that are always there when I need them. 7. I have a roof over my head. 8. I have a car, may be small and have 175,000 miles, but gets me where I need to go. 9. New opportunities sobriety has given me. 10. Just being alive, clean and sober one more day. I don't really have much else after that. I just want to hear from you. I don't get a lot of feedback on here. I do get personal emails, but would like others to see what you guys are grateful for. That's all for today. Have a great one! Just click on the #Comments above or below if you want it to be public. If you want it to be privately sent to me, you can type it in the white box. Thanks! Good afternoon! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. God chooses to work through broken vessels. And we are or were all broken, right? No one is perfect. We are all just broken in different ways. Some a little more cracked than others. Some feel completed shattered, but God can still pick up the pieces and put them back together. The more cracked we are, the more His light shines through. He works through all sorts of people. He gives people chances that you or I wouldn't think twice about, and uses them to help others. Who are we to judge? So just remember, God can still use you, no matter how broken you are. That's all I have for today. Have a great one!
Good morning! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recoving alcoholic/addict. This is such a simple prayer I need to pray every day. And I need to mean it. I need to be kind and loving and do things for others when no one is looking and not want to need to credit for them. It's not about me. I am doing everything for the glory of God anyway. I need to be self-less. I know it's easier said than done in this selfish world we live in. A lot of us are taught we need to take care of ourselves first, that we are #1, we are our first priority. When I got sober, a lot of things had to change, my world was turned upside down. I had to put God first, then my family, and so many other things before myself. My sobriety is very important too, because without that I would be worthless. But I believe if I keep God first, He will keep me sober. But I want Him to work through me. I am just a vessel. That's all I have for today. Have a great one! Don't forget to check out my store and sign up for the drawing. We are almost half-way there!
Good afternoon! My name is lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. I saw this quote and laughed a little, but it's kinda true. If I don't keep myself busy, I will get into trouble. Idle hands are the Devil's workshop. When I start thinking too much, I can also get myself into trouble. But that't when I know I can pray. I can also call my sponsor, or talk to my husband, or call a friend. I am not alone. Sometimes I have to remind myself of that. Sometimes I also have too many irons in the fire too, trying to keep myself busy...writing books and blogs, photography, working, being involved in AA, all while being a mom and wife. Sometimes I think I'm going crazy, but on the other hand, it's called having a life. Before all I did was work, sleep, and drink or use. Today keeping busy helps keep me clean and sober. I like that. :) Don't forget to check out my store. Also I have a photography website now too! But to purchase anything, it will bring you back here. But please check it out! Thanks! That's all for today! Have a great one!
July 2019
Lauren YoderI'm Lauren. Get inside the head of a recovering alcoholic/ addict. |