Good morning! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic, addict. Today is going to be very simple. I love the life I live today, the sober life. And I have to live it. I love being sober, and want to share it with everyone as you can see with the blog I try to do every day, at least every weekday. Today, I want feedback from you. I am thinking about purchasing a domain name, and want you guys to help me choose the name. I have a few ideas floating around in my head, but I want my readers to help me decide which one I should go with. I already have changed the name of this blog to Love the Sober Life, so I was thinking about that. So here are my ideas. ( I really like this one) (I like this one, but I don't want it just to be about me, I want people to love THEIR lives) (kind of simple) (just switch words around)
1 Comment
Good afternoon! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. Life is passing us by, no matter what we are doing. Time doesn't stop, it doesn't wait for you, it is always moving. It seems like the older you get the faster it goes, so enjoy every moment. I feel like I have wasted a lot of time, but that is time I won't ever get back. There's nothing I can do about it now, I can't go back in time, so I can only take advantage of the time I DO have. I'm not promised tomorrow. So I will use today. I will use today to spend time with my children, my husband, my family. I will use today, to help out my neighbor, someone in need, someone I don't know. I will use today for something good. I will get somewhere instead of standing still. That's all for today. So har I have 27 emails. So I am about 1/3 of the way. Remember, after I get to 100, I will draw a name and they will get a free book of mine of their choice. Also, if you message me, I have a deal going, buy 100 Days (sober), get From the Weeds 1/2 off! (deal goes until April 8) Good afternoon! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. No matter how much or how little you have, there is always something you can do with it. You were given gifts. You were given these gifts to share, not to keep for yourself. Theodore Roosevelt said it very well, "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Some can do more than others, and that's ok. But just do what you can. If you weren't blessed financially, but can sing. Share your gift of music locally. If you are shy, but good at encouraging others, do that. Some people need that extra boost. Painting, writing, cooking, speaking, building, sharing, kindness, teaching, and the list goes on and on. They aren't all physical gifts either, it could be that you are a prayer warrior. Lord knows we all need more prayer. :) But whatever your gifts are, use them. God gave you them to be used, and to their best ability. That's all for today! Don't forget to send me your email! When I hit 100, I will draw a random name and they will win a free book of mine, of their choice. (If you comment and sign up below, your email and comment is confidentail and not publically posted) Good morning! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. Taking that first step is a hard thing to do, but it is taking action. And action is always better than intention. I can talk all day long about what I'm GONNA do, but if I never ACT on it, it is worthless. Walt Disney said, "The way to get started is to quit talking and to begin doing." I am going to start by making a to-do list every day of things I need to do. I am going to make it a reasonable size, just a few things 3-5, so I can make sure to get them done. If I get more done, great! There are all things we want to do in our lives, we all have dreams and goals. Put them down on paper. Do that right now. Start today. I am interested in what people out there have to say. About my site, anything. Let me know how you feel. I have added an easily accessible comment box. No one else see the comments or your email address, if you type in the box below, only me. If you click on the "0 Comments" (or whatever number it says) above or below the blog, and add one that way, those are visible by others. Also, if you don't want to comment, please just add you email to the subscribe to newsletter underneath it. I can then send you updates on special offer on my books, or discount coupons, or pre-release information on my next book! I talk a lot, now it's time I hear from YOU!!!! :) That's all for today! Have a great one! Good morning! My name is Lauren and I'm a grateful, recovering alcholic/addict. there have been so many things in my life that once I started them I wished I would have started them sooner. Obviously, getting clean and sober is one of them, but I truly believe everything has happened in my life to get to where I am today. But I am not going to put off anything I want to do anymore. When I wanted to write a book, I started. When I wanted to start a blog, I did. Today is the day you can start. Don't wait until tomorrow! If you start now, you'll start seeing results one day earlier than if you start tomorrow! And you definately don't need to wait until New Year's to make a new start. Today is the day to start whatever, getting clean or sober, weight loss, writing a book, or just having a positive attitude. You can do it! And you are not alone in whatever you choose! There are other people out there like you. (I'm in the process or trying to do all of the above, so just message me if you ever need to talk :) ) That's all for today! Have a great one! Please feel free to comment here if you want! :)
Good afternoon! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. When I was pretty much told I needed to go to treatment or I was going to die. I had so many emotions. I was angry, but I knew I needed help. I wanted help, but I didn't. I didn't want to be away from my kids, but I really wasn't "there" anyway. Was I? I just kept making excuses in my head. I just couldn't be away from alcohol was what it came down to. I didn't want to deal with with withdrawals. What were they going to do at work? I just kept coming up with more excuses. When they said it would be better me be gone at treatment for the 30 days, then gone for the rest of my kids life. It hit me. They were right. Finally, I gave in. It was the best decision I could have made. I finally did something my future self would thank me for, instead of be mad at me for. Today my kids have their "real mommy" back. Today could be your day. That's all I have for today. Have a great one!
Good afternoon! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. I have learned that when I do something for someone else it makes me feel good. It doesn't have to be big, at Aldi's when I'm finished, taking someone my cart to their car and letting them keep their quarter. Or paying for someone's items in front of you at the Dollar Store. Phillipians 2:4 says, "Let each of you not look only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others." As a human, I am still selfish. I am not perfect, and I am not trying to brag. I am just trying to state different opportunities we can do to help others. They don't have to be financial either. Praying for others is a help, raking peoples yards, or visiting elderly people in their homes. There are so many different ways you can give a helping hand, just look around you. That's all I have for today! Have a great one!
Good morning! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. Learning from your own experiences is one thing, but having the opportunity to be able to learn from others should definately be taken advantage of if you have that chance. You don't have to go back out there and continue that vicious cycle, the insanity of the lie that someday it wil get better without change. Listen to someone who has been there, done that, lived it, lost it. It doesn't have to be me, but it could be. Listen to your sponsor, the old timer in your group, the newcomer, your pastor, your friend, you parents. There are so many people out there that have been through the same things are that just dont want to see you get hurt the way you did. In hindsight, I see that now. But we always see 20/20 in hindsight. This doesn't only apply to alcoholics or addicts. This goes for everyone. If I were to see someone get burned by a hot iron, should I touch the hot iron too to see if it is hot or trust the person when they tell me not ot touch it? I've learned a lot from my own expernieces, I think it's about time I start learning from other people's experiences. That's all for today. Have a great day!
Good afternoon! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. We are all so different. No one is exactly the same. God has given us all many talents, or gifts, that we can and should use for Him. I love to write. For a while I was doing it for me, which is not what I should be doing. I wanted to help people, but kind of selfishly was doing it for me. That is totally the WRONG reason. Once I realized that God gave me a talent and I needed to use it for His glory, and as I long as I kept Him number one in my life and not my writing, I felt better about what I was doing. I really felt like what I was doing was for a purpose. It wasn't just my story, it was God's story. God speaking through me. That's all I have for today. Have a great day!
Good afternoon! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. I am such a talker and still selfish at that. When I was drinking or using, most of the time when you were talking, I was more worried about what I was going to say next, not listening to what you were saying. In my sobriety, I have learned I need to listen you. Not just hear what you are saying, and wait for you to take a breath so I can interject my next thought. I really need to listen to you, and take into consideration your thoughts and feelings. Now this is a process. I am still terrible at it. I am still working on it. I still interrupt. I still am thinking about what I want to say next. But I am a lot better that I used to do. It is progress, not perfection. As long as I am better than I was yesterday, that is a "win" for me. And I don't need to be better than anyone, than myself yesterday. I am working on me, and only me. So I will continue to not only hear you, but listen to you, fully, when you talk to me. I think I have a lot to say, but so do you. And maybe it is what YOU have to say, that I need to hear. That's all I have for today. Have a great one!
July 2019
Lauren YoderI'm Lauren. Get inside the head of a recovering alcoholic/ addict. |