Good afternoon! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. I saw this quote in the 24 hour reading today and it really hit home. This is exactly how I felt when I was drinking or using. I vividly remember laying in bed by myself thinking about how I was pushing everyone away, but I just wanted someone to hold me. It is such an oxymoron. And you can fill in the blank of alcoholic too, with addict, or probably a few other things. I'm sure a lot of people have felt like this before. It's a terrible feeling. You are pushing all those you love, all those who care so much about you away, but the reality is you just want someone to hold you and tell you everything is going to be ok. I am so glad I don't have to feel like that anymore. That's all I have for today. Have a great one! Happy New Year!!!
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Good afternoon! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. I see all the time where people throw around the phrase "I'll pray for you" when someone is sick or how I just prayed to God when I was in trouble in the past. We shouldn't just be praying when we need something from God and using Him like this quote, as a "spare wheel" and only in case of emergencies. He should be the "steering wheel" of our lives, directing us and guiding us. We should be praying when life is good and praying is bad, praying to thank Him. I will be the first to admit I have been guilty of this before, I used to do it all the time. When I was drinking and using, that's pretty much the only time I prayed, for God to get me out of situations, or I would be making deals with God. But that is one thing I try not to do today, to use God as a spare wheel, but as my steering wheel. That's all I have for today. Have a great one!
Good afternoon! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. Sometimes with forgiveness, I still struggle with this. I want to bring up their past against them, but true forgiveness is me promising I won't. And I shouldn't. They don't deserve it. God doesn't do that to me everytime I sin again. Another quote I like is, "To forgive is to set a prisoner free, and realize the prisoner was you." A lot of times we don't realize how much of a hostage we are held when we DON'T forgive. We hold on to things they build and build and we don't really realize how much they are affecting us, or holding us down, or eating at us from the inside. We think we can just "let it go." When if we just forgive them, maybe not for their sake but for ours, we will be much better off. That's all for today. Have a great one!
Good morning! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. I hope you all had a very, Merry Christmas! When I was drinking/using I was always excited to see what I was going to get for Christmas. I was more about ME. Today I am happy to say it is not. I am more excited about giving. I am thrilled about picking out presents for the kids and husband and my family members and friends. It's not about ME anymore. I really like this quote because it talkes about life too. How we make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. And when I was drinking I had no life. I was giving, but not much, and it wasn't much of ME, at that. It may have been some material things, But I wasn't giving any of me. Today I can give all of me, I am involved in things, I want to help others, and I give everything I can. That's all for today. Have a great one!
Good morning! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. I'm always in a hurry to do everything I do. Well, I guess not EVERYTHING. I wasn't in a hurry to get sober. :) But once I did, I wanted everything now. I wanted to go through all the steps. I wanted to make my list. I wanted to make my amends. I wanted to be RECOVERED. But it's not that simple. I won't ever be recovered. I'm in recovery. It's not a race, it's not a sprint, it's more of a marathon. I shouldn't be in a hurry to get through the steps as fast as I can. I need to slow down, take my time. Get to know me again. Take my time to heal. I did get hurt in my drinking and using. Yeah, my body was physically pretty tore up, but I was also an emotional mess, and spiritually broken. I had a lot of healing to do. Not only myself, but with relationships. And that was going to take time. So don't rush it. That's all I have for today. Have a great one! Merry Christmas! Don't forget I have books and bookmarks for sale in the Store tab above. Thanks! God Bless!
Good afternoon! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. When I was drinking/using my life was full of fear. I felt emotionally and mentally caged up. I was also isolating myself, so was becoming physically caged up as well. The only thing that could free me was faith. For me, it was my faith in God. I couldn't do it alone. I was never alone, God was always with me, I just needed to ask him for his help. I just needed to believe again, give Him back the reigns and let Him drive again. Once you do that, you just need to keep feeding your faith and your fears will starve to death. It's not just something you do once, and you're good. It's a day by day thing. That's all I have for today! Have a great one!
Good morning! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. There are a lot of things in life that I can't change. A lot of things that I WANT to change, but can't. But when I really think about about it, the thing that needs to be changed is my attitude about it. That's all I have control over anyway, is myself. Life is hard sometimes, and sometimes we think it is all of the time. But the only way it gets easier is when we learn how to react to it. Most of the time I get all worked up over something I can't do anything about. I can only do ME. But it does take a lot of work to change my way of thinking. I can also train myself to have a more positive way of thinking. Which then comes in handy when I come into hard times in my life. It's more of an automatic reaction than a process thought through, which is easier on the mind. I just know that God has a plan, and that it will all work out in His timing. That's all for today. Have a great one!
Good afternoon! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. This quote really made me think. When I pray and I ask God for things or pray for people that are sick, I thought that when it came down to it, me praying really had nothing to do with if that person is going to get better or not. God already knows the plan, but me praying changes me, it helps me. It brings people together. But then I started thinking more and found Mark 11:24, "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." So no, prayer doesn't change God, it changes me. But now I realize it DOES help situations, but I can't think that whatever I pray for I will get. If I pray for a million dollars and REALLY believe it, I will get it. Or that if a loved one is dying, I just need to pray harder and they won't die. But praying more can change my heart, I will be closer to God and he will guide me through that trial. Me having closer conscious contact with my higher power, whom I call God, has helped me get throught situations I didn't know if I could get through sober. Prayer changed things. That's all for today. Have a great one!
Good morning! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. Every day I struggle with my faults or character defects. Patience is a big one for me, but another one that goes along with that, that I struggle with on a daily basis is self-control. Grenville Kleiser said, "By constant self-discipline and self-control you can develop greatness of character." And he doesn't say sometimes, or whever you want, he says constant. So I know I need to continually work on this. I like this picture a lot because it shows things that go along self-control, or other positive things that I can work as well. Balance is hard in life period, but was really hard in the beginning of sobriety. Calmness is also sometimes a minute-by-minute thing. Determination is something that keeps me going every day. I love my life today, and just want to see my family smile. Today I am more confident, in just knowing I can do anything I put my mind to. I have the will power to do anything. It may be hard, but I will try it. Self-control over my impules, emotions, and desires I am still working on, but aren't we all. That's all for today. Have a great one!
Good afternoon! My name is Lauren, and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. If I don't learn one thing every day, there is something wrong. I have to learn something new, and something important too, not just something dumb on Facebook. (No offense Mr. Zuckerberg.) I need it to have meaning, and I really enjoy learning something new about myself, and sometimes those things that I learn are hard to take, but they are life lessons. Things that I take with me forever. I really like this quote today, that we shouldn't just GO through life, but to GROW through life. That is SO true. I should be growing every day. I should be growing closer to God every day. I enjoy building and growing the relationships with my husband and children. Making new friends and growing those as well. I should always be growing, never stagnant. If I am stagnant, I am standing still, and that means I am not moving forward, and for me, that is probably not a good thing. That's all for today! Have a great one!
July 2019
Lauren YoderI'm Lauren. Get inside the head of a recovering alcoholic/ addict. |