Good morning! My name is Lauren is and I'm a recovering, alcoholic/addict. Before, I didn't really care if what came out of my mouth matched my attitute or even what people thought at all. All I cared about was getting that next drink or whatever. Still today, there are many days where I the words that come out of my mouth don't match my attitude. People can tell. People feel that. Most people can sense if what you are saying doesn't match up with your attitude. So don't just talk the talk, walk the walk. Match you actions to what you are saying. Also another quote I have heard, but don't remeber who said it is, "A bad attitude is like a flat tire. If you don't change it, you'll never go anywhere." So keep a positive attitude, and say what you really mean. Don't say one thing and act another. That's all I have for today! Have a great one!
1 Comment
6/24/2016 12:10:48 pm
Very well said, I like the flat tire quote
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July 2019
Lauren YoderI'm Lauren. Get inside the head of a recovering alcoholic/ addict. |