Good morning! My name is Lauren and I'm a recovering alcoholic/addict. I'm grateful to be alive and sober today. Today I am going to share story of my car accident that was the wake up call to me getting sober.
January 28, 2014 5:23am I wake up, and look up and see 3219. I stop and think. What just happened? Those are house numbers. Why am I laying sideways? in my car? in the snow? My legs are scrunched up tight. I can't move. I'm freaking out. "Get me out of here!!!" I scream. "Get me outta here!!!" I see the lights flashing behind me. The paramedics must already be here. How long was I out? How did I get here? I think for a minute. I was on my way to work. I remember leaving the gas station, and turning right...and that was it. I hear a man behind me breaking out the rear drivers' side window. He tells me they are working on getting me out. I ask him what happened. He said I was driving down the road and went off the road, through a few yards, flipped my car on it's side, and ran into a house. What???" It was 15 houses down from the gas station. Did I black out? I don't remember. There was a big rock in front of the house that stopped me from going further into the house. So I lay there...stuck...I can't move my legs...freaking out. "Get me outta here!!!" The fireman is reaching in the car, from the back window, to hold my hand, to comfort me. Still I scream. I just want out! He gives me his coat to cover my body. They are going to break out the rear windshield to get me out. The glass shatters. I'm not claustrophobic, but I can't move my legs. I feel trapped. I just want out. I just want to run. I just want to go home. The fireman tells me, they are working as fast as they can to safely get me out. I sit there and think, how bad am I hurt? My legs aren't broken, just trapped. My foot hurts, but probably just cut and bruised. My left arm hurts, but just bruised. My neck is burned from the seatbelt. I can move everything, so I'm just beat up a little. I scream again. "Get me outta here! Get me outta here!!!" I must have yelled that 100 times. It seems like I have been in here for hours. I had no concept of time. I wonder how long it has been stuck here? It is so cold. I remember the weather man saying "high of 31 degrees today, with a wind-chill of 17" and is only like 5 something in the am. There is already 6" of snow on the ground. I am freezing. The fireman continues to hold my hand as I scream. He then tells me they are going to have to saw the roof of my car to get me out. What??? Not my car? You can't do that!! Just get me out!!! I'm fine. Just let me climb out! He tells me to cover my head and body completely with his coat, to protect me. It's so dark. So loud. I hear the chainsaw start up. It cuts through the metal and I feel the vibrations all through my body. It seems like forever. It is so loud...and close to my head. I just keep screaming. "Get me out!!!!!" 43 minutes later I am extracted from my car. I am put onto a flat board carefully and into the ambulance. And the rest is another story.
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July 2019
Lauren YoderI'm Lauren. Get inside the head of a recovering alcoholic/ addict. |