Good afternoon! My name is Lauren and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. WOW! One year! One whole year sober! Who'da thunk. I would have never thought I would quit drinking. Well, I never thought I would have a problem so bad, I would NEED to quit drinking. I never thought it would almost take away everything I loved. Almost kill me. I thought it was my comfort, my help, my friend. In reality, it was my worst enemy. It was killing me behind my back. Well, it was in front of my face, but I refused to face it. I have made it clean and sober for 365 days. That is such an accomplishment, but I will be excited again tomorrow, for it is another day clean and sober. I will have another 24 hours under my belt. Each day is a blessing. I no longer dread for each day to start, then get over with. I wake up with a smile on my face, for God has given me another day. Another day on this earth, to share the hope we have in Him. God is the one who drug me through the doors of AA and gave me another chance to see how the life He gave me, was for a reason. To help others, give myself, as others did for me. I had people who helped me through every day, now it is my time to give back. I had someone ask me "How can you celebrate a birthday, sober or actual, without alcohol. Alcohol is always used in celebration." I simply replied, "Cake." :) That's all for today. Have a great one!
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July 2019
Lauren YoderI'm Lauren. Get inside the head of a recovering alcoholic/ addict. |