Good afternoon! My name is Lauren and I'm a grateful, recovering alcoholic/addict. I have never been the most patient person, but add alcohol to that and that wasn't a very good combination. Patience is one thing I have to work on, on a daily basis, and with children, and anyone with children knows this, that gets tested daily, sometimes by the minute. No matter how much patience the good Lord gives me, it gets tested too. But I need to not blame anyone but myself as to working on my own issues. I know I am not a perfect person, and won't ever be, but do feel that I am in a better place than I was over a year ago. I do have more patience than I used to have. Some days more than others, some days less. But I need to start every morning in prayer and ask God to help me through each situation and calm me when I need to be calmed. I like this quote, because patience isn't always about the ability to wait, but HOW I wait during that time. I have come a long way, but still have a ways to go and grow. That's all I have for today. Have a great one!
1 Comment
Timothy Cameron
6/9/2015 05:57:53 am
Honest, Open, and Willing. :-) That's you.
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July 2019
Lauren YoderI'm Lauren. Get inside the head of a recovering alcoholic/ addict. |